Monday, September 14, 2009

Ryan at his friend Seth's b-day party

Those dance moves were rockin!

Doing the worm standing up...

Aiden was so sleepy from not having a nap. He was in a daze, but he still loved playing with his friend Kaitlyn,

The party train! It was a remote controlled juke box and cooler!

Aiden's party in Georgia

Aiden's first birthday in Georgia

Bad Blogger!

It's been a while since I've updated the blog. I've been busy and have been unmotivated to keep it up to date. So today is simply adding pictures of Aiden's first haircut on August 25th. -He didn't have much hair to begin with but we wanted to wait until after his first b-day. It would stick straight up in the air so we trimmed it down and then buzzed it. He wasn't happy with the scissors. He much prefered the buz clipper. Just like his big brother and Daddy!