Monday, July 06, 2009

July Fourth Blowout!

We had great plans for July 4th to go to the Trussville Freedom Celebration that our church puts on. Great food, music, inflatables for the kids, and then a truly spectacular fireworks show. I had even gotten the boys some darling patriotic clothing. They were going to be so handsome! But all that got blown out when Aiden woke up Saturday with a fever of 103! He was so pitiful. He just wanted to be held all day. He slept a lot, but when he was awake he was whining and crying. I could see a little tooth about to bud and was hoping that was all it was, but I was just living in fear all day that it was an ear infection. We didn't do much all day, just hung out around the house and let Ryan play in the pool. He kept talking about the fireworks and we wer feeling so bad that we couldn't go. Well, we kind of gave in that night. We drove down to the park where it was to be held and the whole town had showed up! There was no way we could walk with the Aiden being so fussy and then find a seat, so we ended up getting ice cream from Dairy Queen and went up to the Sam's parking lot. We thought we might be able to see some of the fireworks there. Well, we weren't the only ones with that idea. It was packed. People had brought lawn chairs and sat on top of their vehicles. It was hilarious. We all watched the fireworks from there. We could even hear them popping. It was great and we didn't have to walk a mile back to our van when we left. It of course was no where near as good as being down underneath the show, but at least we saw some of it. But we got home not a moment too soon. Aiden was so uncomfortable. Orajel and ibuprofen were his best friends that night.

Sunday wasn't any better. We had to miss church because he still felt so bad. But he sure did sleep. Well, today is Monday and I think he is on the mend. I was at first worried, because he slept until 10:30am! And that was only because I went in to check that he was still breathing. That is unheard of. I don't think Ryan has done that a day in his life. Aiden's fever is gone and he seems to be much more playful. I'm hoping today will be a lot better. By the way he does have the cutest little toothy grin with tooth number 5!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Poor baby! I know how you feel, though. My daughter had 103 fever the night of fireworks on our cruise! She and my husband stayed in the stateroom and didn't get to see them:(

Hope he is feeling better!