Monday, November 01, 2010

Transition to new school

We were a bit concerned for Ryan changing schools so early in the school year but it was for nothing. The transition could not have been smoother. I took him on Tuesday, 9/21 to register him and they ended up letting him start school that day! It was such a surprise. I wasn't quite ready for it, but when we went to his classroom he knew about six kids already in there. It was great. On top of that, we got a great teacher that attends our church! Thank you God for working in all of this! Ryan was so excited and the kids in the class were too! I was so excited when a friend of mine was at the school this day and just happen to get all of these pics.

Love the wide-eyed look of wonder in his eyes! He is just taking it all in!

First day at lunch.
Hot dogs his first day!

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