Sunday, March 21, 2010

Soccer has begun!

Soccer practice began on March 8th...and Ryan is loving it. We only have practice once a week and then a game once a week. This is a much better schedule than t-ball. Ryan just got tired of going so much to T-ball practice and then Saturday games too. Now he asks everyday if we have soccer practice. We shall see how long tha lasts. I hope he continues to enjoy it. The hardest part is Aiden wants to play too. I'm truly considering getting one of those monkey harness leash things. I said I would never be one of those moms...but lo and behold I'm considering it! I am thankful that Scott is not coaching this year because I need all the help I can get!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I am "one of those moms" and I highly recommend it...